Nothing is True. Everything is Connected.
Category: <span>Side Stories</span>

Sylum Advent 2022: December 25th

Title: Mission Impossible: Bonds
Author: Bj Jones
Rating: Nc-17
Summary: The Bonds Ethan has with his Mate, friends and family – make him stronger.
Author’s Note: This is the sequel for Mission Impossible: Origins
Sylum Timeline: 2013 with flashbacks to 1998 and 2011

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Sylum Advent 2022: December 13th

Title: 3:10 to Yuma
Author: Bj Jones
Rating: Nc-17

Summary: Dan surprises his Mate with a vacation, which brings out old histories and memories
Sylum Timeline: 2009 AD
Author’s Note: Ironically this story popped up when watching Ghost Bros on Discovery +. They had done an episode on Yuma Prison, and the comment came up ‘What if Dan took Ben to Yuma’ and here we are!

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Sylum Advent 2022: December 9th

Title: Magnum Finds His Zen – Another Day In Paradise
Characters: Thomas Magnum, Jonathan Quayle Higgins III, Thomas Jefferson, Chang, Oceania Clan Members, Sylum Clan Members, Original Characters
Rating: PG-13
Summary: A picture from a collection of World War II photos, found by a former President begins an investigation that takes Magnum deep into his and other Clan members’ old nightmares.
Sylum Timeline: April 2018 to April 2019

Previously …

Running into the study, Thomas saw Higgins on the couch with a tumbler of whiskey. His complexion was a bit pale, but he looked like he’d had a terrible shock.

“What happened?”

“To keep me from underfoot or figuring out how to blow something up, Higgins set me to sorting photographs for his next non-fiction book. They’re pictures from the South Pacific during World War II.” Jefferson snarked.

“Burma?” Thomas practically whispered.

“Yes. These all seemed to go together, and I was to the point where I was building a timeline. Here … Look here.”

“I remember Higgins talking about being captured. He looked at the men lined up as Japanese soldiers pointed guns at them. “He pulled the picture closer. “He didn’t say anything about any Americans being taken with the Brits.” He looked at the back of the picture. The names of the prisoners were listed on the back. Next to Jonathan Quayle Higgins III was Lt. Commander Thomas Sullivan Magnum III. Standing behind them was a very familiar face … Lt. Hiroki Chang.

He was jerked out of his shock when Jefferson shoved another picture under his nose. It was the same men, but a year later with their positions were reversed. The prisoners had taken the camp and captured the guards.

“Holy … Chang isn’t here for Templeton Peck … He’s here for Jonathan Higgins.” Magnum and Jefferson slumped down on the couch across from the Caretaker as Temp and Murdock came through the door.

“He’s here for Higgins?” Jefferson showed Temp and H.M. the photos. “Damn, you were badass.” Murdock slapped Higgins on the shoulder.

The slap seemed to jolt Higgins out of his stupor. “He may also be after Magnum. He is the image of his father.”

“Higgins, why didn’t you ever say you knew my father?”

“It was not the best of times and not the type of stories one tells his son.”

“You know my past.” Magnum was hurt by the secrets one Father kept about another Father.

“Yes, and I chose not to add your father’s nightmares to your own.”

Thomas took the pictures back from Murdock. “I’ll get a message to Lady Blossom. Maybe she can find out more about Lt. Hiroki Chang of the Imperial Army of Japan.”

“But why after all these years would he be after Higgins?”

“Might have something to do with the new alias he’s establishing. Maybe he’s afraid Higgins knows something he doesn’t know he knows.”

“Higgins looks like you’ll be traveling with security and staying behind the estate gates until we figure this out.”

Higgins frowned darkly at his Childe as he stood over him. “I will not hide from the likes of Chang.”

“And I won’t watch another father turn to dust.” Magnum snarled as he grabbed the pictures and left the house.Read more“Sylum Advent 2022: December 9th”

Sylum Advent 2022: December 2nd


Title: Shifting Tides – The Waiting Game
Author: Gil Grissom
Pairings: Dom/Brian, other background pairings
Rating: R
Summary: Things are winding up toward the start of Race Wars and the team is in a holding pattern when it comes to Tran and the FBI.

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