Here’s a snippet that doesn’t belong to anyone! And believe me after last year’s fun ‘trivia’ I have a long list.
Here’s a snippet that doesn’t belong to anyone! And believe me after last year’s fun ‘trivia’ I have a long list.
Sylum Snippet/Teaser: Mission Impossible: Rogue Nation
Author: Bj Jones
Author Note: This is a teaser/snippet from the next saga in the Mission Impossible series
Sylum Snippet/Teaser: Kitchen Angels
Author: Bj Jones
Author Note: This is a teaser/snippet from the story that will introduce Matt & Richard – This is a scene right before Matt is shipped out.
Bonus: Also listen to the piece of Music that inspired this section!
It’s Mushroom Day!
Now I love these guys! Have a few good recipes for them!
Love them? Keep them away from me?!
And as this month has all been about Birthday Fun! Here’s the teaser/snippet for you.
This also ties into one of the songs from Deadpool’s Vampire Soundtrack – which can be found in the Archive!
Here’s the song:
The reason the snippet is to honor ‘Mushroom Day’ we’ll we all know Hobbits love mushrooms!
Today is a day to recognize ER Nurses! Now as someone who has been in the ER I totally send my appreciations! These nurses work hard and deal with some of the most difficult and nasty situations.
And for this day – another Snippet! For Nyx who asked for Dr. Ross
That actually leads me *counts* 5 WOHOO!!!
It’s National Dance Day!
So first off anyone know how to dance? Waltz, Foxtrot etc..
And a Sylum Snippet – for Kathie who a long time ago asked for Clay/Jenson/Cougar
Mango Day! This is obviously a special day with in Sylum.
Which means – snippet and I’m adding in Kenway for Nyx!
Waves hello to everyone! And to go with today’s Hi – a small snippet – this one is for well Nyx or Terry as it’s the last Star Wars Snippet and that means I’m caught up for 2021!
Woohoo! Go ME!!!
This snippet was written by taibhrigh and is a wip storyline.
For Nyx who wanted Arthur/Eames
Today is Top Gun Day – yes it’s a day – who knew!?
I was like oh yes write a snippet for Kathie who asked for ‘Ethan’s family’ then realized I already had so guess what BONUS Snippet!!
I know not everyone follows paranormal shows, but for a quick lesson – this is an image from SLS camera. Basically the stick figure that is seen is anomaly, the SLS camera shows anomalies that the human eye can’t see, basically there’s something there but no one knows what it is: ghost, spirit, something.
I bring this up as the snippet you’re going to get – is based off on one of the songs from Deadpool’s Vampire List that was showcased during Spring Fling – uses a SLS camera.