Nothing is True. Everything is Connected.
Category: <span>Sylum Trivia</span>

Sylum Trivia Answer: November 2021

Question: As we’re on Assassin Month … who is Adéwalé’s Sire?

Answer: Edward Kenway

Winner:  A tie!  Mainly because I loved how both answered the question!

Sonia & Ladyholder – you’ll both be getting an email to pick favorite character/pairing for a snippet

Sylum Trivia: October 2021 – Answer

Question: Name all the characters that are related or in the Ethan Hunt’s family line


Claudio Cruz 
Nathan Algren 
Ethan Hunt
Pete Mitchell
Jack Reacher
Claus von Stauffenberg 

Winner: Kathie!  Who not only listed the family line, but their Mates 🙂 as part of the characters that are related to Ethan Hunt!  You’ll get an email soon and just let me know the character or pairing you would like to a snippet.

Sylum Trivia: October 2021


Name all the characters that are related or in the Ethan Hunt’s family line

Yes I have a long list but I will get them all the snippets written – I have GOALS! 

Fill answer below the cut

Sylum Trivia: September 2021 – Answer

Question: Name off all the Second in Commands?

(though I’m sure I did this question before *shifty look*)


Border: Dominic Toretto
Camelot: : Sir Galahad du Lac
Ghost and Darkness: Allan Quartermain
Knight: Nicholas de Brabant
Medjai: Nefertiri
Oceania: James Cook
Sanctuary: William Turner
Sanguen Vitae: Hamlet
Ehre/Weisheit: Maria Theresa
Integridad: Rodrigo Díaz de Vivar
Lealta: Lucretia
Mod: Kurt Wallander
Passion: Hugh Capet
сила:  Marko Ramius
Serenity: Zoë Alleyne
Shogun: Yue Fei
Sylum: Antonio Crisafi
Tallikut: Jim Ellison
Vampire Council: Hector


Winner: Nyx

You’ll get an email where you can pick favorite Character/Pairing for a snippet