Title: Clan War 10th Anniversary Edition: Call to Arms (Part 1)
Author: Bj Jones
Creative Consultant: Timothy Quinn
Artist: Taibhrigh
Author’s Note: So this is about 4 times the size of the original … maybe 6. There’s more history of the bad guys, with an added new one. Speed’s internal monologue through his capture is epic snark. You will also get more history of Tony’s time in Damascus and his Turning. Along with the backstory to Nico’s Turning.
There has a lot of history for Nico, Tony and Speed.
Also a quick note: You’re also being introduced to story threads that will be very very important in later stories.
*evil cackles*
Thank you! Looking forward to another good read. Now, how to arrange for a big chunk of free time….hmmm. Thanks again.
Oh WOW, OH WOW!! OH WOW!!! Darn it! I am at work and will have to wait until I get home to read!!!
But OH WOW!!! Hmmm, how do I get out of going out to dinner tonight?
You guys are awesome!
I signed in with the wrong stuff. This is Tuckercat2
I really enjoyed reading Call To Arms Part 1 and am looking forward to Part 2!
Excellent part, thanks for sharing.
Bravo. This is great especially the snark.
Thank you for part 1 , it is the old story but not. Very good . I hope you will post part 2 soon .
wow, So worth the wait! I stayed home and reread the entire recent posts. I love it! And Bobby is already in the story!! How awesome is that! Very awesome that’s what. The old story was good, but this, this is epic! LOL!
Thanks for sharing! Waiting on pins and needles for the next section!