Title: Clan War 10th Anniversary Edition: Family
Author: Bj Jones
Creative Consultant: Timothy Quinn
Artist: Taibhrigh
Author’s Note: You’re in for a special treat with this one. As we’ve moved the series further from fanfiction a lot of Family had been changed. Though we’ve add into it, the back story of Riddick and Bryon.
I can’t believe how much you changed this story but still kept the spirit of it the same. The care and concern that Nick has for Tony’s sanity is shown but in a gruff manner. His statement that he would turn Jethro if Tony didn’t caught me off guard. It almost seemed like he doesn’t care but he does. The scene between Riddick and Eric was intense! You really upped the intensity with that scene and gave us more of the backstory with those two. I was surprised that Speed just rode off without thinking about H though. He just left his mate without explanation. Now, he’s in trouble and they don’t know where he is. And Nick hasn’t even met Abby yet!
I love you guys and you have me eagerly looking for updates every week. When I see the new chapters, I have to make sure that I’m comfy and ready to read without distraction. Then, when it’s all done, I’ll go back and read the whole thing again. I’m so glad I found Sylum while looking for stories with Nick and Warrick. It’s made my reading life richer. I’ve had to wait a long time for stories, but I think that makes it better. The author has so many new ideas and instead if just throwing them in there, the Geberal reworked the story. I don’t mind waiting for that!