Nothing is True. Everything is Connected.
Coffee House Friday

Coffee House Friday

Coffee House Friday



It’s been a really really long week!  RL as kept me away from my other hobbies.

I’m really looking forward to the weekend just to relax.

Today’s Coffee House Question.

Where do you go to relax? Vacation? Favorite Getaway?



  1. Laelius

    Well, as I’ve just mailed you back a clan member (sorry for any explosions y’all, Rodney is back in the contiguous 48) I may have to come visit Portland again!

    As for relaxing, i’m pretty sure my answer to that one would be “I go beat myself up at the gym” for the moment – Tough Mudder is a week tomorrow :-S

  2. tuckercat2

    If I can, I like to go to the beach where the waves are crashing into the rocks. I like to get lost in the sound of the gulf and the gulls crying. It relaxes me because it is all about nature. If I lived closed to woods I would walk in deep enough not to hear cars and find a sturdy log and listen to the trees whisper. Nature is my way to relax and seems it would be great to have a cabin in the woods along a lake for my all time best vacation. Maybe one day.

  3. Gil Grissom

    I’m just hoping to get through the weekend without killing something. Ugh.

    One of my favorite vacation spots is the beach. I love the ocean, always have, and it’s a very relaxing place for me.

  4. Jensen

    Getaways it depends on what I’m after. Writing, that’ll be one of my local coffee, bagel, or sandwich shops.

    If I want a city, then Chicago, NOLA, or Vancouver.

    If I need something to get my mind off things. Movies or I go out to Disney.

  5. Sinead

    Favourite holiday…. Italy.. Rome/ Amalfi Coast/ Sorrento… During the summer for Christmas, love going to Germany just to soak up the winter atmosphere…
    Get away from daily business…. Sitting people watching in the park, or just walking through local forest and parks… Love it..

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