Nothing is True. Everything is Connected.
Coffee House Friday

Coffee House Friday



It’s that time!

The Pumpkin Spice Latte is out!

So does this mean we can start the Fall Season?

*looks outside*  Yeah okay maybe not.

Still … the Pumpkin Spice Latte is seen as the beginning of the Fall Season.

It’s time for cooler weather, warm drinks, cozy sweaters, and yes …. it’s Halloween Time!

Are we ready?

On the bright side … so much candy is now available!!

Side Note:  Sylum Vault is getting ahead of the game!  Check out our Halloween/Gothic Collection

PS: This is our 100th Post for Coffee House Friday!


  1. Val

    I bought apple cider donuts today – the second major sign. But one place near me already has peppermint mocha, even though it’s not even October yet. Christmas seems to come a little earlier every year; I think it’s eating the other holidays!

  2. Dom / Sheigh

    Wandered downstate to preview our get our scare on weekend planned for next week. Definitely a sign of fall. Mornings in the 60’s, humidity is up (and that’s a bummer), but welcome to fall in the south. We’re hoping for cool and fairly dry for the trip and friends from out of town. Maybe less corralling of the teenagers but it was entertaining to get the group in front of us at one haunted house sorted and not falling all over themselves before we even got through the door :evil, evil grin:

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