Nothing is True. Everything is Connected.
Coffee House Friday


  1. YES! You’re back!

    I love Van Gogh’s Starry Night, along with Rembrandt. I find most styles I like except Picasso. I could not get into impressionism. I do like Abstract. I guess it’s I like what I like kind of thing! Would love to wander and wonder around a museum. Need to check out Houston’s.

    1. Nicolaus Meridius

      The Getty has Vann Gogh’s Irises … which is beautiful but I have to admit … I was more interested in the Monets.

      Mine favorite is actually Renoir.

      Though recently got to see Gainsborough’s Blue Boy … I could sit for hours looking at that one.

    1. Nicolaus Meridius

      Remington is probably one of my favorite American Western Artists. His stuff feels so real, that you can reach out and touch it.

      If ever in Los Angeles, the Gene Autry Museum is a must!

  2. Val

    I’m generally more interested in music than art, but I lived in Dallas for a while and New York after that, so I’ve been to a lot of museums. I second ‘Starry Night’ as a favorite, I even have a print of it in my bedroom. I also have a print of ‘Blue Nude,’ an early Picasso that’s much simpler than the work he’s best known for, but is quite nice.

    I also, largely due to taking French for eight years, have a fondness for Monet and Renoir.

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