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Off the top of my head … Hawaii 5-0, Lethal Weapon, Roots, MacGyver, Star Trek. I’m probably missing a lot I like because my memory is crap. The Oh Dear God Why … 21 Jump Street, I watched the original show with Johnny Depp. I love Neil Diamond as a musician, but as an actor … The Jazz Singer.
I’m enjoying the remake of MacGyver; I grew up with it. Star Trek isn’t too bad, but I’m still an Original fan. I grew up with CHiPs and The Muppet Show. These are two of my Oh Dear Go Why?! I miss Jim Henson. I don’t think he would have allowed what they did to the Muppets. CHiPs went from a police drama from the 80’s (might be campy now or outdated, but it was cool when I was a child) to a REALLY, REALLY STUPID looking movie. The trailer was an embarrassment.
Off the top of my head….Beauty & the Beast. Why??? I still have Cinderella (with yummy Richard Madden stuck in my head!) 21 ad 22 jump street! I loved the original. And then Booker! The new ones try to be so funny and … Aren’t. Chips was the show back in the day!! I saw only the print ad and was immediately disappointed. I love reboot Star trek. I’m. Fan of Star trek in all its incarnations. Just get the premise right, take time to tell a Good story WELL, take time to find the right actors, Don’t insult the fans’ Iove or intelligence of their shows, be original in your execution not a caricature. Sounds like a lot but the best reboots have done this and scored with a whole new legion of fans for that movie/tv verse!
Why 21 Jump Street with Johnny Depp then the reboot? What the ???? Most of the reboot TV show I feel are awful. I loved those shows and the reboots are just trying to be funny and they are not!
Star Trek, I love it in all it’s many forms.
I don’t like reboots unless it is from a movie that has been out for a really long time like back in day