Coffee House Friday
Coffee Need Some!!
Ever have that moment that if you don’t get your coffee you will either kill someone or faceplant into the keyboard?
So what’s your best way to tired to function and ended up doing something stupid – like put the keys in the refrigerator.
picked up the wrong set of keys and locked myself out of my house. I could get into my parents home, to bad it was 20 miles away and no cell phone.
Eric Delco,
I sometimes feel like I can’t get through the day without a good cup of coffee.
Oh let me count the ways I’ve done the stupid. I have extreme insomnia so I take sleeping pills. Sometimes, rarely, the pills don’t work and I get so tired I become punch drunk. For some reason I cannot fathom I ordered straight porn off of my cable company last month, I hate straight porn, and on top of that I didn’t remember buying it. I had to ask the customer service rep what it was. Talk about awkward when he told me.
i was over tired and decided to make myself some coffee…. loaded the coffee machine (one of those italian ones…) started it… and waited, and waited and waited…. after what felt like a eternaty I stopped the machine… put milk into my coffee…. and realised that what felt like forever for my overtired brain, was not long enough to fill a small cup… with milk I had about one gulp of coffee…