Nothing is True. Everything is Connected.
Coffee House Friday


  1. Sinead Leahy

    Dogs, tortoise, fish, hamster, rabbits and ferret. Favourite was our Yorkshire terrier Jenny who died about two years ago off old age, we had her for 16 years! Current hooligan is a schitzu/bischon frise mix who has control of the house and was called Lexi by my husband…still trying to figure out why???

  2. I have had two cats and one gold fish. The first cat I had got run over by a car and the second had run off returned with kittens and then run away taking the kittens with her. My goldfish drowned in the fish bowl. I decided after that I didn’t want anymore pets.

  3. Christiane Heid

    I always had pets. When I was a child we had hamsters, mice, cats and dogs. Later my husband and I always had cats but after he did get an allergy we had birds and then a dog, which we currently have. It’s a “Eurasier”, a German race with much hair. She’s a female called Emily and she’s very sweet.

  4. I’ve had a couple of dogs and a bunch of cats. At the moment I don’t have any pets as I don’t have enough time to give to one. I would love to have either a hedgehog or maybe an otter would be cool. My favorite pet would probably be my pet cat Shinya who just passed away last year.

  5. Methos/Jade

    Have had several dogs, cats and fish over the years. Currently have an American Bulldog named Ares, and a cranky ol’ Maine Coon cat (female) that adopted us 12 years ago that the kids named Fluffy.

  6. Blacksonia

    I have had cats and dogs for half of my life even had a backbird. Currently I have 7 europeans commun cats and catalan sheepdog (gos d’atura). The 5 females cats are: Missy, Cloe, Kiba, Yue and Rayitas. The males are Gatito and Tyler. The dog is Max. All of then abandoned pets that I adopted or they adopted me if you ask them. LOL!!

  7. Bobbie

    I’ve always had a pet. Cats, dogs, fish, a few birds and a snake. It was amazing the things that followed me home. My current pet is a 180 pound Mastiff/St. Bernard who thinks he a lap dog.

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