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Coffee House Friday


  1. Gil Grissom

    Dude, I live in southeast Texas. It’s definitely the cooler weather. The highest we’ve had in the last two weeks has been in the mid-80s, as opposed to the nearly 100 degree weather a few weeks ago. Second would be holiday prep. I always have fun with that. I do a lot of baking. Don’t watch sports, so that has no effect on me. ๐Ÿ˜€

  2. Rocky Oberlin

    The holiday preparations is one of my favorites. While I do like the landscape covered with snow, I like the Fall colors better. I just have to watch out for the deer coming across the road while I’m driving. I also like the apple orchards selling the apple cider. I will go the local orchard more often in the fall than any other time of the year. I don’t really follow sports (other than what the Red Wings are doing), so I just turn off the football games. I have other things I would rather watch or do. (And my birthday is in October.)

  3. Shep

    Football, definitely the football. I start watching on Saturday and finish up on Sunday night ๐Ÿ˜€ Then there’s Monday night football…and sometimes Thursday night that I have to listen to due to not having the NFL network…so yeah, did I mention football? ๐Ÿ˜€

    It’s definitely not the cooler weather *shivers*

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