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Coffee House Friday


  1. The first weekend in December has been my tradition for years, since my birthday is the 2nd and growing up we did it on my birthday. But now that I live in a house that is a Bed & Breakfast, the weekend is the busiest, guest wise. So I’m putting it up the first or second week in December. The outdoor decorations will go up then too. We have those blow up snowmen with the fans that keep them aired up.Hopefully this year we can get them tied down properly and they won’t try to travel across the street.

  2. Rachel Oberlin

    After Thanksgiving. One holiday at a time please and Thanksgiving should be given the honor it deserves just as much as the others (even if it’s getting together with family over a dinner table and football game). The tree comes down from the attic after that so we can put it up and yell at the cats to get out of the tree. Yes, there are several bells on the lower branches.

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