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Coffee House Friday

Coffee House Friday

Coffee House Friday


It’s November 1st – All Saint’s Day

(where has the year gone – no really? Where?)

As we prep for Fall, Thanksgiving, Black Friday and into the Christmas season…

Let’s look back at Halloween…

What’s your favorite Costume? Did you see a cool on this year?

Do you dress up?


  1. LadyComet

    I dressed as Lumiere from the Anime Kiddy Grade for Trivia on Wednesday. And Halloween I spent from 4am til 8am tailoring my mother’s prom dress from the 1970’s. So I could wear it for a costume. It is rather more in the style of a medieval dress being sky blue with an empress waistline and all trimmed in gold at the collar, waist, and at the seam on the bottom that is then followed by a ruffle. It is also accompanied by a dark velvet cloak trimmed in the same gold as the dress. I’m still not happy with the tailoring but it was wearable, I just couldn’t walk in it. My mother has probably a foot of height on me, so although I got the dress tight enough I wasn’t able to take the hem line up enough for movement. Hence after a few hours I ended up in an oversized black Halloween sweatshirt with white leggings, purple fuzzy socks, and black heels. I’m hopeful that I can take the dress up for a costume party tomorrow. But I might just end up going as a porcelain doll instead.

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