Nothing is True. Everything is Connected.
Coffee House Friday


  1. I hope there is a response with a good answer to that! I don’t deal with stress – it just keeps on piling up. My job has deadlines and questions I don’t know how to answer and the boss says just handle it! I need to be boss, I can say just handle it with no problem!!! LOL

  2. Amanda

    Make a cup of hot tea, grab a stuffed animal (and occasionally my real dog and/or cat), and snuggle up to read. Sometimes I’ll put on some music or a movie as background noise.

    1. Amanda

      If it’s too much stress for the above method, I hop on my PS2, pop in GTA 3 or Vice City and go on a rampage. Rack up 5 warrants, then use a cheat code and start all over again. I’ve got other systems/games, but none are quite so effective as GTA at relieving stress.

  3. Sinead

    I walk, and after if I’m still stressed, I clean! In times of extreme stress, my OCD comes out so my house and my sister’s houses are spotless!! During a recent bout of stress, I cleared out wardrobes and rooms!!

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