Nothing is True. Everything is Connected.
Coffee House Friday

Coffee House Friday

Coffee House Friday




It’s Friday!!!!

As we settle into the weekend, and do all those normal weekend things: grocery shopping, hair appointments, finish stories for Advent… (now that you know what I’m doing this weekend)

Some weekends its all about laying on the couch and doing nothing…

So what’s that favorite movie that you don’t like to admit you watch let alone own and watch on a weekly bases?




  1. Jacob Jensen

    Oh hell, I’ll admit it. It’s normally The Mummy (1999 version). It was the movie that rarely came out of the DVD player. Now thanks to technology and cool devices there are more that can be played a touch of the button…lately it’s been The Avengers.

  2. Gil Grissom

    I’ve been trying to think of one, and I can’t. I have no shame, lol. Closest I come to is probably Dazed and Confused. Stick thin Rory Cochrane, with long black hair and stoned out of his mind? Matthew McConaughey in those tight salmon colored pants, perving on the high school girls. Ben Affleck playing a complete douche? I love that movie, lol. I always have fun watching it.

  3. Shep

    I have to say that I don’t really have any movies in my collection that I’m ashamed of…I’ve been on a Robin Hood (the Russell Crowe version) kick lately and have been kinda playing that on loop…

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