Nothing is True. Everything is Connected.
Coffee House Friday


  1. Tough one. I’ll be 61 tomorrow, damn when did that happen … There have been many people who have left signs of their passage through my life. My maternal grandparents with whom I spent summers and holiday breaks on the farm when we lived in the suburbs of Washington, DC. She was a true Matriarch and my Grandfather was strong enough to follow. My mother. She survived a brain tumor, but not the radiation treatments that lead to a massive stoke. My father for retiring from a job he loved to be beside her ever step of her journey through Cancer. My paternal grandmother, who was polar opposite of my maternal one. Their household was a true Patriarchy. She never did learn to drive. The sister of my heart, Dia, who taught me to let my talents fly free and to truly ‘see’ the world. My husband of 32 years who takes me on the adventures.

  2. Both my parents were very influential, but my dad stands out the most. We married him when I was 8. He was a paraplegic since before I was born, but he never let that stop him from doing anything. He taught me that I could be and do anything I wanted and that failure was a learning experience. He passed away almost 11 years ago, but he’s still with me in everything I do. Miss you Dad!

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