Nothing is True. Everything is Connected.
Coffee House Friday


  1. I’ve always been crazy about and collected horses. I still have a few of my oldest, but my favorites are the Christmas bears my mother bought me every year until her death 18 years ago. Our living space is small, so I only have a couple favorites, but the others have moved on to good homes.

  2. April

    Mine is actually a plaque with a picture of a faded red barn on it. I know that seems weird but it was signed by a lot of people who are important to me. A couple of which who were like second parents to me when I was a child and they’re no longer with us. So it always hangs on my wall.

  3. I still have a music box that’s a black cat that plays twinkle twinkle, i also have a sheep that was mom’s. I have other things that make me smile and remember mom and grandma fondly.

    That and I blame Aunt Bea for my addiction to smutty romance novels.

  4. Naj

    I had my tonsils removed when I was four. The do gods told .my family to keep me down and quiet (thia was 1955). My mother and grandmother settled me into grandpa’s bed after he left for work so I could watch cartoons on the small TV my grandparents had in their bedroom.
    I was watching Captain Kangaroo when my Aunt Norma walked a small chimpanzee stuffed toy into the room and gave him to me. His name was Mr Zippy and his !little white shoes smelled like marshmallows. I c!ose my eyes and think back and —-I can still smell the marshmallow.
    I loved him until he fell apart in my late teens.Great to
    It reminds me of a cross stitch I saw once called “I am a cat.” .It show a at holding a ball of. …something. The cross stitch reads: “I am a cat. This is my bestest friend Rags. Rag’s name used to be Harold…but I loved him too hard.”
    Sweet memory.
    —Naj : D

  5. Cat

    I have several stuffed animals on my bed and a favorite baby blanket stored that was made for me by a great aunt. The blanket stayed on my bed till I was about seventeen when I stored it due to damage from being washed so much.

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