Coffee House Friday
The Winter Olympics
Before anyone starts in on the Politics of Anything that is associated at the moment with the Olympics – lets just say this up front. The Olympics is about Sports and leaving behind the Politics. Yes that doesn’t always work, and the situation with the 2014 Winter Olympics is heated – but this will not be the forum for that discussion.
Back to the discussion at hand – The Winter Olympics.
What is your favorite Sport? Favorite moments in Winter Olympic History. Favorite Athlete?
I love the ice skating, all of the classes, but doubles is my favorite.
Hockey, but that’s also my favorite none Olympic sport (Go Blackhawks!). I enjoy watching the snowboarding and the biathlon for the skills and I generally watch the figure skating for the same reason.
During the summer Olympics It’s Archery and then random things like rowing and canoeing and the equestrian events.
In the 2014 Olympics I would have to say that I loved watching Jamie Anderson in the Slopestyle Snowboarding. Her run was exciting and stunning to watch.
To pick a moment from the histories of the Olympics – the most outstanding moment I will always remember is Torvill and Dean – ice Dancers from the 1984 Olympics.
My favorit moment (technically it would be three but they are connected) is speedskating in the 1994 olympics. My countryman Johan Olav Koss won 3 gold medals and during each of them set a new world record! For the 10 000 meter he beat it by 13 seconds – and the former record was one he set himself 3 years previously. He is also donated his cash prize to a charity ( I forget the name). He is my personal hero <3 I was 7 years old and I still remember screaming for his victory in front of the tv.
me I remember the winter olympics when orser and boytano(? spelling) went head to head in men’s figure skating.
Watching the opening ceremonies I could hear Alexander cheering when Macedonia entered the arena.