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Coffee House Friday

Coffee House Friday

Sylum's Coffee House Image

So today is also Book DAY!

Book Day is an awesome day if you ask me!

So do you have physical books? Kindle Books? Audio Books? All of the above?

I have my kindle and audible which I love both dearly.  Both are great for the metro on way to work, or just a quiet break at lunch.

And as a quick reminder!  If you haven’t, pick up my books at Amazon and put them on your kindle!  If you have picked them up – please leave a review it’s very helpful to get the book seen by others.


  1. I love Kindle books. I can carry so many with me and find my page without any problem. I hate sitting without anything to do, so my kindle helps me stay calm through long waits. Or short waits. I hate waiting without something to do, I think I have already said that….

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