It’s November.
No really, November.
When the hell did that happen?
Anyway, as we’re getting closer to Advent *evil smirk*
What is your go to story in the Sylum world?
It’s November.
No really, November.
When the hell did that happen?
Anyway, as we’re getting closer to Advent *evil smirk*
What is your go to story in the Sylum world?
Too many .lol. when I’m not going for clan war, I’m addicted to roads untraveled, the Michael Weston stories and I think it’s the new Orleans beat series.
*laughs incredulously* Aside from Clan War, sometimes I throw a dart for something I haven’t read for a long time, but some faves are Carry on My Wayward Son, Beat the Devil’s Tattoo, the Roads and Russian Spy stories, along with the Obi-wan stories.