Nothing is True. Everything is Connected.
Coffee House Friday


    1. najean1

      Hey, Paula, I wish you a speedy recovery. I may have to have one in the near future. (fragile bones acvording to the latest DEXA. Phooey!)
      Keep up with your therapy and you should be in good shape soon.ove to you.
      —-Naj ❤❤❤

  1. najean1

    Trying to stay sane with a broken ankle, and a puppy who is like an 18 month old toddler who is still teething…. I”ll be glad when my idiot podiatrist gets the perscription in so I can get an ankle boot– the damn thing is not going to heal until I can get it braced!!
    Other than that…
    I’m doing fine.
    And you? **G**
    —-Naj 😀 ♥️♥️

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