California has had more rain than normal.
I’m happy for the rain, but so done.
How’s it going where you’re at – Spring sprung yet or winter still lurking like a stalker around the corner.
California has had more rain than normal.
I’m happy for the rain, but so done.
How’s it going where you’re at – Spring sprung yet or winter still lurking like a stalker around the corner.
We have been having a mix. Extremely warm one day, sun shining one day to cold and rainy the next.
I’m with you — I am sooo OVER it! I hope like hell I don’t lose the Hydrangea I have lovingly been tending for three years… trying to lose its leaves…
I am ready for full out Spring with sunshine, heat and no clouds in sight for awhile…
—Naj 🙂 🙂 ♥️♥️
The last 5 days we had sunshine together with the awful cold wind coming from the East (Russia) with freezing temperatures at night and about 45 – 48 °F the day, although in the sun it has been a bit warmer. But weather is changing and we’ll get the rain in April and a few degrees warmer with an overcasted sky no real Spring in sight…
The last 5 days we had sunshine together with the awful cold wind coming from the East (Russia) with freezing temperatures at night and about 45 – 48 °F the day, although in the sun it has been a bit warmer. But weather is changing and we’ll get the rain in April and a few degrees warmer with an overcasted sky. No real Spring in sight