Nothing is True. Everything is Connected.
Coffee House Friday

Coffee House Friday

Coffee House Friday



TGIF – its been a long week.

So for the discussion for today is …

Plans for the weekend?

One Major Rule – Be Respectful.

We all have our opinions on everything.

Just because you don’t agree with someone elses doesn’t give you the right to bash, ridicule or disrespect the other person.


  1. Michelangelo Buonarroti

    I don’t have any plans… this saturday I have class from 08.30 to 16.45 hrs. Then I have to work from 00.00 to 08.00 the next day… Maybe this sunday after work I will play Ingress with my friends… i don’t know yet… the rest of the time… sleep and sleep.

  2. LadyComet

    My weekend plans are recovery from minor urology surgery. That means I get to be grumpy and take pain medication and sleep. If I’m not in too much pain, I’ll be going to my niece’s 3 year birthday party. But it might end up like the last birthday party for my other niece and nephew, were I thought I was going until I woke up and the rest of the family had left me at home. But it comes down to if I still have a fever and just how bad my pain is. So if I don’t go to the party, my plan is video games, fanfiction, and sleep. Oh and lots of liquids.

  3. Domenico

    Doing some cooking for the week ahead. Working on my advent art. Clearing out my hard drives. Shampooing part of my carpet. Not answering the phone. Catching up on what’s on my DVR.

  4. Sinead

    Clearing out as much as possible from Sky +, there are things on it since Easter!!!!:). And on Sunday, I’ll be standing for my new god daughter, who I got to name, Bridget Jean, called Bridie.

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