Nothing is True. Everything is Connected.
Coffee House Friday

Coffee House Friday

Coffee House Friday



Okay *raise hands* who remembers using this?

Or better yet who remembers Sanka…

Lately I’ve been feeling every inch of my 1600 years *smirks* but lately technology though I keep up just keeps whizzing by.

I typed up my papers on a electric typewriter. My first computer had 1 GB Harddrive and that was AMAZING!

What is that one thing you used to you ‘that was so high tech’ that this generation will likely see in a museum.

One Major Rule – Be Respectful.

We all have our opinions on everything.

Just because you don’t agree with someone elses doesn’t give you the right to bash, ridicule or disrespect the other person.



  1. Sinead

    External hard drives connected to the TV with classic TV shows/ movies on it. I’ve had one for 3 years and still call my brother on the phone on how to use it… It gets embarrassing!!! 🙁

    1. Naj (Norma Jean Ryan)

      Don’t feel bad, I have to get my grandson to put electronic things together. I am electronically illiterate. When I typed on an IBM Selectric (at work, I sure couldn’t afford it!) I would get through three lines of type and it would go “clunk”. Over time, I had three IBM techs fall on the floor laughing at me. * *sigh**

    1. LadyComet

      I’m pretty sure you could still find an electric percolator as the way you prepare coffee changes the taste. So, there must be die hard percolater coffee fans.
      I’m pretty terrible at making coffee so I cheat and just add a package of hot cocoa mix to my coffee after it’s brewed.

  2. Domenico

    I got my first computer thirty years ago and you had to load the OS from a tape before you could use it. My first modem had a whopping baud speed of 300 bytes per second. No internet, just message boards that one person at a time could use. First VCR had a remote that connected to the machine with a 25 foot wire.

  3. i remember when HBO was just starting out, and when we first got cable. my first computer was a radio shack tsr 80 model 1.
    And i remember when screens went from black and white to green and black or amber and black, then we got color.

    Now i have to go listen to a country song called 19 something, i forget who does it but listen to the song and see how many things you remember

    1. Domenico

      I had a radio shack Color Computer, affectionately known as a CoCo 2. It was the only computer I ever had that would let me program music without using a midi or complicated math problems. As for music, try the Statler Brothers “Do You Remember These?” is great.

  4. LadyComet

    I sometimes still plug in the Apple II computer. It is great, every program has to be loaded with a five inch floppy, the original monitor still works. I used to play a Muppets game on it that was lots of fun. We also had a second monitor that was color but it doesn’t work anymore, it’s probably an easy fix for someone but not for me. The color monitor was fun for the “kid writer” program that let me write and illustrate my own stories. Of course I didn’t have a color printer just a dot matrix. But it was still awesome. My favorite game was “Where in the World is Carmen San Diego?” but we also have a bunch of text based games including Zork and Zork II. I have never not had a computer and the Apple II was the first one in my house. So, it holds a special place in my heart. Also I really like catching Carmen San Diego.

  5. Jensen

    So, and this might not come as a big surprise, but I own and still use a French Press for coffee, especially the Kona and the coffee from NOLA…It’s also good for loose leaf tea.

  6. Laelius

    First computer I ever used was one of those old pong machines that you hook up to a tv. We’ve still got it somewhere but I don’t know if it still works. Second was a Spectrum ZX we used to play The Hobbit on – always seemed to get stuck! (Spectrums are really useful when you get those crank calls telling you your computer has a virus – “You’re telling me my computer has a virus? My Spectrum? That loads from tapes? *click* Hello?”)

    We’ve also got a coffee press. Not that it sees much use; we mostly drink tea – apart from my heathen father who drinks instant!

  7. Rocky Oberlin

    My first computer was a Commedor 64. My first venture into videos was the video disk player. The disks were the size of records and please don’t look at me and ask what a record is. Then I’ll just sigh and go find a TV with rabbit ears and attach aluminum foil on the antenna to get a better picture. I might still have that stupid thing up in the attic. I might still have my electric coffee pot that perked the water through the basket. I was told that I could cook green beans in it. I just used it for flavored instant hot chocolate I bought at a little coffee shop. I didn’t use e-mail until I was in college in1994.

  8. Naj (Norma Jean Ryan)

    Oh, boy, do I remember! i DRANK Sanka, typed on a manual typewriter, listened to Ricky Nelson and my first computer was am Apple 2-C with 56K of memory. My mother bought my family the computer for Christmas and told me: “This is so much better than punch cards….”

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