Movies, TV, Books have always influenced our lives. Sometimes we don’t realize how much.
*sips my Sencha Green Tea*
I had not heard of Sencha Green Tea before POI, and now it’s a staple in the house.
Ever see something, or hear about something from a movie, tv show, book and thought I have to try that?
Then fall in love with it, and can’t live without it?
It’s not really from tv, but my guilty pleasure is hot chocolate and coffee with marshmallows or whipped cream. Then I curl up and just zen out
I can’t live without my tea,Earl Grey, hot 😉 as Captain Picard said. And I once read a slash fanfic where in tomato soup and grilled cheese as a combo was mentioned. Tried it and tried it and….And many years ago I read in a computer magazine about something called slash fanfiction. With bright red ears and a heart that almost jumped out of my chest, I read my first slash story. It was the LOTR sight, Library of Moria. A day without reading slash fanfic is not a good day!
I meant LOTR site btw….*deep sigh*
Before I was even on the internet (yes, pre-2000) I read a book by Mercedes Lackey called “Chrome Circle”. The main character drove a 1969 Mach One Mustang. Guess what is now my dream car. Yes, I drool over Mustang’s I see for sale on the road side, but I’m still working on paying off my present car- which is not a Mustang. I keep dreaming.