Nothing is True. Everything is Connected.
Coffee House Friday


  1. Years ago on the Yahoo group someone posted a link for extreme, then there were the CSI episodes with Lady Heather, and about a dozen other shows with BDSM plot lines. You get an awful lot of porn sites when you’re researching the lifestyle.

  2. Rachel Oberlin

    This would be another one of those “Years ago” types. Our phone system in the hospital changed, so we needed to change the sign for the guards in the prisoner’s anteroom. The night shift House Supervisor asked to to make the new sign and I figured to make it just like the old one just with the new number. When looking for a picture of an old fashioned phone, I got a few pictures that didn’t even resemble phones. On a company computer. I needed brain bleach for that. I did get the sign done though. Then we moved last year to our new hospital in our new location outside of town.

  3. ladycomet

    I ended up researching a lot of things. Recently I researched the history of vending machines because a fic I read in the Marvel universe had Steve Rogers impressed by the wonderful technology of vending machines. And yes they have improved a bit from his time but he certainly would be so in awe of them as to forget everything happening around him. But for my own research I looked up the history and process of coffee making. I wanted to write a character that was obsessed with the perfect cup of coffee. I don’t remember most of the research and I lost the files but I know a lighter roast coffee gives you more caffeine. Most of my failed searches are me trying to find fanfics I read when the World Wide Web was young, with the closing down of Geocities, I guess 5 years ago and the death of; must be a decade ago, I end up with more dead end searches than I want to admit. But every once in a while I find a better fic by being lead to some old chat forums.

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