Nothing is True. Everything is Connected.
Guest Post: Thank You Letter

Guest Post: Thank You Letter

Today’s Post is a Letter from Janet

The General has graciously allowed me to post this (overdue!) note regarding the Christmas Card List.

The last several years haven’t been good ones for me. I’ve been unemployed and under a lot of stress. In addition, my mother hasn’t been in the best of health and then Ineeded major surgery. Things got worse in November 2017 when my mother was diagnosed with breast cancer. We spent 2018 dealing with the disease: chemo, surgery and finally, radiation treatments. It was a grueling year.  At my request, each year, the General has put my name on the Christmas Card List. For the last few years, every year without fail, I have received cards from around the world and across the US.

Each and every one was read and treasured and saved. I have a pile of them on my desk – I’ve reread them upon occasion, reliving the burst of happy I got when I found a new one in the mailbox.  I can’t really express how much it meant to me to get those cards, to know someone took the time and effort to send a card to someone they’ve never met. Some of the cards contained stickers and little ornaments that brought a smile to my face. For those moments, life wasn’t so bad.

I’ve meant to say this before, but time always seemed to get away from me – but I wanted to make sure I said it this time:


To all of you – for the kind words, the good wishes, for simply being kind enough to send a card. It’s meant a lot to me.

Hopefully (please, Anyonewho’s listening) 2019 will be a better year. Mom’s recovered from her treatment and there’s no sign of the cancer spreading. There are some other issues to be dealt with, but not that. Me? I recovered from surgery and the medical condition I had was solved. So I’m hoping this will be a better year. I’ll take the warmth and joy your cards brought with me through the year. Thank you again, everyone.

Peace and Blessings to you all in 2019 –

Dr. Janet

(Lynn D.)


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