Sylum Big Bang
Sylum’s 2025 Big Bang
Information: We’ll be taking sign ups for the next six weeks, which is longer than normal Sylum Events. You can sign up to be a writer or an artist.
- Stories will have to be at least 15K
- You will need to work with Bj on the storyline
- Suggestions for ideas – there’s a big wiki filled with many characters that do not have stories
- The story will have to be complete when it’s posted in July 2025
- Depending on how many artists sign up – an artist will be assigned early next year (at this time you should have over half of the story completed)
- The two of you will have to work with each other on style of art
- Stories will be due in June of 2025
- There will need to be at least 2 pieces of art and a story banner
- I will work with each artist to pair them with a story/writer
- You will need to work with the writer on style of art for their story
- Artwork will be due in June of 2025
If you sign up, and need to drop out please let me know AS SOON AS POSSIBLE!!
Please fill out the below contact form to sign up! We’ll be doing a few reminders over the next week.
Sylum Inspiration: Enki Sumer
Mod: Member
Enki isn’t a Vampire, nor is Human.
He’s a Navigator and from the same planet as Davy Jones and Blackbeard.
He was pulled into their war, when Blackbeard enslaved his mermaids. He was dragged to Earth, and severely wounded. He found a safe place, in the Northern Seas, specifically like to stay near Iceland and Norway.
He became more known to Vampires after he met Hiccup and Toothless. He ended up helping out Noromer, yet hasn’t told him quite yet. He has a soft spot for him, especially after he faced Davy Jones head on, and won (sort of).
He finally got his mermaids back, after Jack Sparrow tricked Blackbeard back into the locker, leaving them finally free of his influence.
To this day he still prefers the Northerns Seas. He stops by to see Gran, and talks to the Mariner a lot. He gets a kick out of Jack Frost, always had and is happy he has his ‘Bunny’.
Sylum Announcement: Old Archive
There was a reason we moved to the new archive a few years ago, because the old one was no longer supported and was on it’s way out.
I kept it open because some of the old stories were still on there, that weren’t going to be moved to the new archive. This included Family & Evolution.
Well it’s finally died. The link will not take you to it anymore.
Yes we are still working on Family. Honestly guys it’s been a round 4 years, and the last one and this year hasn’t been the greatest. We’re working on the edits, slowly but as said hasn’t been a good few years. So please be patient, but at this moment – Family & Evolution are no longer available.
If someone has a copy – you can ask for it.
Guest Post: Speed Ramblings
Today’s Guest Post is from our Creative Consultant: Timothy Quinn
A snippet of Speed’s Ramblings.
Sylum Inspiration: Callum Lynch
Camelot: Hunter
Callum and his twin brother Aguilar were born October 21st in the year of our lord 1460 AD and was in Masyaf.
They’re parents were Assassins, the little they knew of them, was that their father, Sebastiano was from Spain and their mother, Brigit, who was from Ireland. Their father was trained at Masyaf, who on a mission, fell in love with Brigit, brought her back and trained her. The two had been killed during the Spanish Inquisition, a year after the boys had been born. They ended up raised by the Assassin Order, and trained to follow in their parents footsteps.
When they set out on their own missions, Callum went to Ireland, while Aguilar went to Spain.
Callum kept a low profile, finding an a small farm owned by the Lynch family, they took him in, and became the son they never had. When they died he took over the farm, and used it as a hiding place and information stop.
During one of his own missions, he heard about Il Duce and the vendetta he seemed to be on. He made sure to casually meet him in the pub, only to discover his own mission.
The two became friends, and during a mission when they went after a corrupt Bishop, Callum ended up Turned.
Damn You Pedro Pascal!
And that’s all I have to say about that!
Actually the exact word I used started with an F …
Sylum Big Bang
We’re going to try something new, next year.
Instead of Seven Days of Summer in 2025 – we’re going to have a Big Bang.
We’re announcing it now so it will give anyone who would like to participate.
You can sign up to write or do artwork.
Writers: The story would at least need to be 15K in words
(and would need to talk to me about what you want to do)
Artist: You’ll work with a writer to do artwork for their story
We’ll be giving out more information in the next few weeks.
If have questions – post them here or send to
Coffee House Friday
The one thing during these hot months is water.
Do you get your water intake? How much?