Sylum Inspiration: Paul Bunyan
Serenity: Hunter
There are many hypotheses about the etymology of the name Paul Bunyan. Much of the commentary focuses on a Franco-Canadian origin for the name. Phonetically Bunyan is similar to the Québécois expression “bon yenne!” expressing surprise or astonishment. The English surname Bunyan derives from the same root as bunion in the Old French bugne, referring to a large lump or swelling. Several researchers have attempted to trace Paul Bunyan to the character of Bon Jean or Tit Jean of French Canadian folklore.
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Paul’s family is from the French Canadian, he knows it ties directly back to France, and he’s pretty sure straight to the Good King. He was the youngest son out of 12 siblings. He was also the largest. By the time he reached puberty he was pushing 6ft.
He left the family farm at sixteen, moving around the Canadian wilderness. He quickly earned a reputation as a lumberjack, able to knock down a tree in one swing.
Paul was never one to settle down found himself in New Orleans, when a call went out for removal of trees to begin building a small town. He presented himself to the foreman and was hired instantly. He liked the community that was building, but was curious about the Plantation that was funding the efforts.
Paul had laughed lightly when he surprised Malcolm, the Foreman, with his philosophies and the fact he was educated. The two found a quick friendship, enjoying the bantering and snark.
At a Harvest Festival that the Plantation had put on, he was called to compete in the Axe competitions. One of the lumberjack’s lost control of the ax, sending it towards the crowd. Paul stepped in and took the blunt of the impact.
He finally discovered what was going on at the Plantation.
Seven Days of Summer 2024: Reaction Post
Hey guys make sure to let the artist and writers know you liked their works.
A simple – hey I liked this is great. It’s really hard to continue to put out content when no one responds to it.
Seven Days of Summer 2024: Day Seven
Title: Traffic
Author: Bj Jones
Summary: Aguilar and Callum race to get information that they could use to hunt down Rikken
Sylum Timeline: 2023 AD
Coffee House Friday
Summer has officially hit! Well has been for a while, but still.
Now that it’s hot – favorite tricks to stay cool?
Seven Days of Summer 2024: Day Three
Title: Elemental
Author: Ladyjax
Characters Paul Bunyan/John Henry, original characters
Clan: Serenity
Summary: Their folk legends loom large. The life that John and Paul build together is greater still.
Sylum Inspiration: John Rhys
Sylum: Member
John Rhys was born in Abereiddy, Wales, to a fisherman family. He was always on the edge of the society, not fitting in very well. He fell in love with the landowners daughter, Mari. She was forbidden to be with him, but it didn’t stop them from seeing each other. When she discovered she was pregnant she ran away, finding herself in a Monastery seeking sanctuary, not soon after John found her. He married her instantly, and the two stayed with the Monks, Mari cooking, while John helped with Hunting for food and taking care of the grounds. Tragedy struck the small family, when Mari died in childbirth, leaving John with a son. He knew he wasn’t in a position to take care of the young child, so left him with the Fr. Dewey and set out to find work.
As he made his way towards a larger city, he came across a young woman being chased by a group of men. Without thinking he pulled his sword and confronted the attackers, defeating all of them. He discovered the young girl was Gwenhwyfar, the daughter to King Leodegrance. He escorted her back to her castle, and her father promptly awarded (though John wondered if it was punishment) the position of Head Guard.
Over the years, John became the big brother to Gwen, and was one of the few people she trusted. She was also one of the few that new of his son, and made sure money was sent to the Monastery for his education.
When she was set to marry King Arthur of Britain, John organized and guarded her wedding train, only to be betrayed from someone on the inside, leading to the train being attacked and Gwen being kidnapped.
John took down over half the raiders, and even with an arrow in his side traveled and fought with Arthur, Lancelot, and Galahad to get the future Queen back. It was on the journey back, he finally fell to his wounds, and Nico refused to loose his first born child, Meridia.
Seven Days of Summer 2014: Day One
Story: Get ‘Em Up
Author: Bj Jones
Sylum Timeline: 2016
Summary: Elliot and Hardison couldn’t believe the stupid
Seven Days of Summer 2024: Starts Tomorrow
Seven Days starts tomorrow!
There’s some fun stories and great art!
Make sure to let the artists and writers know you appreciate their work.
Waffle Iron Day
Well first off – who has one?
Do you use it? or is it on a shelf and only comes out on a special says?
Now for interesting history fact – Bill Bowerman was looking to lighten the running shoes so his runners could run faster. He ended up inspired by his wife’s waffle maker, and made the waffle trainer running shoes … he went on to create Nike.