Sylum Clan

Nothing is True. Everything is Connected.
Sylum Clan

Sylum Inspiration: Patrick McKenna

Camelot: Member


Patrick was born in 1966AD, in Armagh, Northern Ireland to Mary Ann McKenna, a former Nun.  His biological father is unknown.

She raised him to be a devout Catholic, attending Mass every day of his life, and teaching him that God loved him, and He had a destiny waiting for him.

When he was six years old, he lost his mother in a UVF bombing at Armagh Cathedral – a protest against the visit by a Titular Archbishop on an Apostolic Mission from the Vatican, who had come to Ireland to try and broker peace.  The boy’s survival saw him labelled as ‘The Little Miracle of Saint Patrick’.

The Archbishop took Patrick back with him to Italy, formally adopting him, stating that he would raise the boy in God’s Church.

Patrick had the Vatican as his playground and school yard.  He remembered most fondly the Vatican Police officer who usually caught him running from the Nuns and dragged him back to his studies.

As he got older, he found himself talking with that same officer for hours, looking to him for wisdom and companionship.

Though he didn’t have to, when he was 18 he demanded that he follow through with his National Service to the Italian Military.  Though he never learned to use a gun, he excelled at flying helicopters.  Patrick never told the Vatican Police Officer, that he knew it was him who had made sure Patrick was safe during those two years.

When he returned, he dedicated his life to the Church, going through Seminary and becoming a Priest.  When his ‘father’ became Pope, he took the position as Camerlengo – much to the dismay of many older men in the Church who had sought the position for themselves.

He was proud to see his friend go on to become Inspector General of Vatican Police.

When his father suddenly died, he was devastated.

The night of Conclave 2006AD, everything changed.

Spring Fling Update and Request

Okay, guys. This is Gil filling in currently for the General. She is currently unavailable due to the medical stuff she posted about earlier in the week. Which means that I will be posting the Spring Fling content this year, and Jensen will be posting some content as well until the General us up and going again.


I do not have access to the General’s email account, so if you created content for this year’s Spring Fling, please send it to me at my email address:

Spring Fling starts on March 31st, so if I don’t have it from you by the 30th, it won’t get posted, at least not until sometime later on, after the General is able to get back to posting, or it may end up being saved for a future Sylum event.

Thanks for your understanding.


The General’s Health


Just wanted to make a post about my own health.

I’ve had a massive flare up on my chronic condition, which looks to be leading to surgery. 

What does this mean?  The amount of posts will likely go down during recovery time, and my participation in Sylum Events will be low.   As matter of fact I won’t have anything in Spring Fling.

This also puts me behind on all projects Sylum related.

Please understand as I recover will step back into things, but will take some time.



National 3D Day


I know 3D is still around, but some of us is old enough to remember the paper glasses and the coolness of 3D Movies.

Love them?  Hate them? Used to but can’t take it anymore?

Sylum Inspiration: Andrew Kiernan

Lealta: Archivist/Librarian 


Kiernan was barely ten years old when he first heard St. Patrick’s teachings.  It was then he decided this was his calling. He was educated by St. Patrick as they travelled through Ireland, spreading the Lord’s Word.

In a small town, the citizens weren’t interested in what St. Patrick was saying and had attacked them. Andrew had stepped into the battle to protect his mentor, only to be mortally wounded. St. Patrick had called upon a friend, Arthur Pendragon, who was nearby, for help. Andrew was told of the world of Vampires and agreed to be Turned, seeing it as a way to keep spreading God’s Word.

Sylum Charities: Vindolanda

Vindolanda Trust

The Vindolanda Charitable Trust was founded in the spring of 1970, with seven Trustees. Three of the whom were members of the Archibald family: Brigadier Brian Archibald, Daphne Archibald and Elizabeth Archibald and three were of the Birley family, Professor Eric Birley, Anthony Birley and Robin Birley. Charles Bosanquet, Vice Chancellor of Newcastle University was the seventh member.

The aims of the Trust, which have remained to this day, were for the archaeological research of the site, making the structures and artefacts available to the interested public, especially educational groups, and engage with people from all walks of life.

For More Information: Vindolanda Trust