Sylum Clan

Nothing is True. Everything is Connected.
Sylum Clan

Sylum Inspiration: Brisco County Jr.

Border: Hunter


Brisco County Jr. is the son of the famed US Marshal, Brisco County, Sr.  Growing up, all he wanted to do was follow in his father’s footsteps.  After he was shot and almost killed on a mission his father sent him on, his family decided to send him to Harvard.

At Harvard, Brisco earned his law degree, but realized that being a lawyer wasn’t what he wanted to do.  While traveling back to his home, he learned that his father had been killed by the Blythe Gang.

He vowed to carry out his father’s last job and bring in John Blythe, so he teamed up with two of his father’s US Marshal friends, James Hickok and Noah Dixon.

During a standoff with Blythe, Brisco was injured and subsequently Turned.

Sylum Charity: Beanie for Brain Cancer


This Foundation – The Mark Hughes Foundation (MHF) – is a Non-Profit, Health Promotion Charity that my wife Kirralee and I began in 2014, after I was diagnosed with brain cancer. We began the Foundation when we realised how underfunded brain cancer was in Australia in comparison to other cancers. The lack of funding meant very little research into treatments or cures for brain cancer and, as a result, not much has changed in the shocking brain cancer mortality rates over the past 30 years.

We had no idea when we started our Foundation and set about raising funds for some much needed research, the incredible amount of support we would receive from people everywhere.

In 2014 we kicked off our first simple fundraiser, Beanie for Brain Cancer Campaign. Since then we have grown from selling a few hundred beanies locally to joining forces with the National Rugby League to create an annual Beanie for Brain Cancer Round.

Our Beanie campaign is now a nationally recognised fundraiser which has seen almost 1 million beanies sold!

For More Information: Beanie for Brain Cancer

Spring Fling 2024: Last Day to Sign Up


Spring Fling is to showcase Artwork, Fanmixes, Videos, and Aesthetics.  No stories for Spring Fling those are showcased for Seven Days and Advent!

  • Aesthetics
  • Artwork
    • Digital (wallpapers, designs specific for phones/tablets)
    • Memes (make something up that fits Sylum)
    • Original (draw, paint then scan or take a picture)
  • Fanmix (make a playlist of songs for your favorite character, pairing or clan)
  • Fanvids (you don’t have to make a hollywood production, can do a slide show set to music)

What do you need to do to participate?

You will need to sign up and state what your interested in doing

How do I sign up?

There are two ways to sign up!

  • Email: – put SPRING FLING in Subject and let us know what your interested in doing
  • Reply to this Post: Just hit reply with what your interested in doing and contact info for us to get a hold of you.

Sign Ups close January 31st.  If we do not get your request, by the 31st it will not be included.

Is there a deadline of when the Art/Video/Fanmix needs to be Finished?


  • Posts will be made through March on the blog for participants can check in.
  • All art/videos/fanmixs will need to finished and emailed to ( by March 24th.  For those who have drawn something for Spring Fling – please scan to jpg and send via email.
  • Spring Fling will start March 31st.

I have questions?

  • Drop a reply to this post or on any of the ‘Check-In Posts’ with a “FLAIL” *HELP” with contact info and we’ll get back to you.
  • Email:

Sylum Inspiration: Stanley Raymond Kowalski

Tallikut: Member


Stanley Raymond Kowalski was born in Chicago, the youngest son of Damian and Barbara Kowalski, and was named after Marlon Brando’s character in A Streetcar Named Desire, but prefers ‘Ray’ to ‘Stanley’. Ray and his father were close when he was growing up,and restored old cars together including Ray’s black 1967 GTO. He became estranged from his father when he dropped out of college to become a police officer.

Ray met his wife, Stella, a Gold Coast girl who attended private school, when they were 13. They married in college, and were happy for many years before Ray’s undercover work, and Stella’s job at the State’s Attorneys office began to put pressure on the marriage. Of all the factors that led to the end of their marriage, their arguments over starting a family was the deal breaker. Ray wanted children, but Stella didn’t want to take time from her successful law career as a State’s Attorney.

Unable to deal with the failure of his marriage, Ray delved deeper into his undercover work wanting to live someone else’s live instead of his own. Beginning to suffer from burnout, he was assigned to the 18th precinct. He meets Benoit Franciscus in his guise of Benton Fraser, RCMP, in 1997 while canvassing the area around the Canadian Consulate. Benoit and Diefenbaker befriended Ray and began consulting on Ray’s cases.

When Ray is kidnapped by Rogue Vampire, Victoria Metcalf, looking for Benoit. He’s taken to the home of goth nightclub owner, Jeremiah Parks where Park’s convinces his Sire that he will hold on to Ray, and look for information on Benoit. They try to keep Ray ignorant about the existence of Vampires until Jeremiah saves Ray’s life. With no other Chosen Ones available, Ray is told about Vampires, and becomes a Chosen One for Tallikut Clan.

His kidnapping makes Ray realize he’s still living his life undercover. He retires from the police force, digs out his leather, jewelry and head kicker boots, goes to find Jeremiah at Lost Children of the Blood newest location in Chicago, and asks his new friend for a job. He becomes the General Manager, and though the two men don’t get to spend a lot of time together because Jeremiah is doing undercover jobs for Javier Esposito in New York City.

While working at the club, Benoit still comes to him asking he help people that come to Benoit with their problems. Ray, exhausted by working cases and at the club, directs Benoit to Lt. Walsh at the 27th precinct where Benoit meets his Mate, Ray Vecchio.<

After six years, Tallikut suffers through the latest round of Victoria trying to kill Ray (she still hasn’t realized Ray K is not Benoit’s Mate), Lying in a hospital bed after twice stepping between Ray and bullets, Jeremiah realizes Ray Kowalski is his Mate. Ray is Turned and Claimed before the new year.


Sylum Trivia – Answer: January 2024


Question: Name those not of this world?



The Doctor 

Diana Prince 


Davy Jones 
Jack Frost 

And the newest additions – though they just got up in the Wiki


Winner: No one answered – so I get to pick!