Sylum Clan

Nothing is True. Everything is Connected.
Sylum Clan

Spring Fling 2023: Reminder – Sign Ups


Spring Fling is to showcase Artwork, Fanmixes, Videos, and Aesthetics.  No stories for Spring Fling those are showcased for Seven Days and Advent!

  • Aesthetics
  • Artwork
    • Digital (wallpapers, designs specific for phones/tablets)
    • Memes (make something up that fits Sylum)
    • Original (draw, paint then scan or take a picture)
  • Fanmix (make a playlist of songs for your favorite character, pairing or clan)
  • Fanvids (you don’t have to make a hollywood production, can do a slide show set to music)

What do you need to do to participate?

You will need to sign up and state what your interested in doing

How do I sign up?

There are two ways to sign up!

  • Email: – put SPRING FLING in Subject and let us know what your interested in doing
  • Reply to this Post: Just hit reply with what your interested in doing and contact info for us to get a hold of you.

Sign Ups close January 31st.  If we do not get your request, by the 31st it will not be included.

Is there a deadline of when the Art/Video/Fanmix needs to be Finished?


  • Posts will be made through March on the blog for participants can check in.
  • All art/videos/fanmixs will need to finished and emailed to ( by March 24th.  For those who have drawn something for Spring Fling – please scan to jpg and send via email.
  • Spring Fling will start March 31st.

I have questions?

  • Drop a reply to this post or on any of the ‘Check-In Posts’ with a “FLAIL” *HELP” with contact info and we’ll get back to you.
  • Email:

State of the Clan: 2024

It’s 2024 – I’m not even sure how we’re four years into a decade that has been chaotic at best.

Actually 2023 was a very stressful year for me.  There was the new job, that took a lot of my time away!  It’s a great job but can be very demanding, add in the commute.  I’ve had less time to focus on Sylum.   I was able to pull together a few fun items,  Dragons (during Seven Days) and aesthetics and story for Advent.   So was happy with being able to do that, because at one point I wasn’t sure where the year had gone.  One moment it was January next I was dealing with Advent! 

Now before we get into the actual State of the Clan, a few things.

Sylum is and forever will be a safe place!

We work hard to make this place as stress free as possible.  With our goal is to bring a smile and fun to your inbox each day.

Read more“State of the Clan: 2024”

Sylum Inspiration: Patrick Jane

Sylum: Member


Patrick Jane was raised by a swindler father who included his young son in his carnival psychic act, touting Jane as “the boy wonder”.

He married Angela Ruskin, who was from a similar background, her family being members of a traveling carnival and “carnival royalty”. The couple had a daughter, Charlotte. They left the Carnival, determined to have a better life. Jane himself became a celebrity, making a very comfortable living working as a psychic, and he lived in comfortable celebrity until he criticized and openly mocked the serial killer Red John in a televised interview.

In retribution Red John killed Jane’s wife and daughter, leaving Patrick Jane a changed man.

Spring Fling 2024: Sign Ups


Spring Fling is to showcase Artwork, Fanmixes, Videos, and Aesthetics.  No stories for Spring Fling those are showcased for Seven Days and Advent!

  • Aesthetics
  • Artwork
    • Digital (wallpapers, designs specific for phones/tablets)
    • Memes (make something up that fits Sylum)
    • Original (draw, paint then scan or take a picture)
  • Fanmix (make a playlist of songs for your favorite character, pairing or clan)
  • Fanvids (you don’t have to make a hollywood production, can do a slide show set to music)

What do you need to do to participate?

You will need to sign up and state what your interested in doing

How do I sign up?

There are two ways to sign up!

  • Email: – put SPRING FLING in Subject and let us know what your interested in doing
  • Reply to this Post: Just hit reply with what your interested in doing and contact info for us to get a hold of you.

Sign Ups close January 31st.  If we do not get your request, by the 31st it will not be included.

Is there a deadline of when the Art/Video/Fanmix needs to be Finished?


  • Posts will be made through March on the blog for participants can check in.
  • All art/videos/fanmixs will need to finished and emailed to ( by March 24th.  For those who have drawn something for Spring Fling – please scan to jpg and send via email.
  • Spring Fling will start March 31st.

I have questions?

  • Drop a reply to this post or on any of the ‘Check-In Posts’ with a “FLAIL” *HELP” with contact info and we’ll get back to you.
  • Email:

Sylum Clan Gathering: Possibility … Testing the Waters


In 2025 will be the 20th Anniversary of Sylum Clan.   Suddenly I feel very old!

There’s a possibility of hosting a Clan Gathering in 2025, it would likely be in Los Angeles.

We’re not setting anything in stone, at the moment we’re more testing the waters to see if people would actually be interested.

Fill out form below

Read more“Sylum Clan Gathering: Possibility … Testing the Waters”