Sylum Clan

Nothing is True. Everything is Connected.
Sylum Clan

Motivation – Need Some!!!!

Why do you get out of the bed in the morning?

Are you going to work?

Feeding the baby?

Running to the bathroom?

Heading to the shower?

Making coffee and lunches?


Need it, learn to love it, use it all the time.

It should seriously be one of the deadliest of sins for any writer to assume that their readers have clue #1 on what the hell is going on, and this is a fact as true for those who write original fiction as it is for those who write in fandom.

Hey, look just because YOU are utterly addicted to  a certain show and can channel the characters like it’s second nature, that don’t mean the rest of us have any damn idea what you’re blathering on about.

No, seriously we don’t.  That’s because we don’t all watch, read or listen to the same things.  And while the world would be very, very boring if we did, the only way you can get any of us interested in your little corner of the ‘squeeing’ world of whatever it is you’re writing about, is to tell us about it in the first place.

So, if your character has no sense of humor and suddenly develops one, we need to know the motivation for that or (s)he is going to sound like a moron who forgot to take their meds.

If your character suddenly smacks a bitch, we need a reason for it.  People who do that without one generally tend to get arrested, so unless you’re planning on that, give us motive.

Motive maketh character.  Character formeth motive.

It’s like saying ‘you are what you eat’ but you’re not really a tuna fish sandwich.

At least I hope you’re not, because if you are, why are you reading this and not sitting in my lunch bag right now?

Wait, where are MY meds while I’m on the subject…?

*pause for dramatic effect*

Okay where was I?  Yes, motive.

Everyone does everything for a motive.  Little is ever random.  Coincidence, yes but not random.  Coincidence is the plot device of last resort when you can’t find a motive, and if you use that too often you’re going to sound like a schmuck with no plot in the first place.  Having every goddamn Vampire on the face of earth Turned by some random rogue is unacceptable.  It’s dumber than mud and suggests desperation for lack of ideas.

So get creative.  Hell, get a little wild if you have to.  Whatever it takes.  Figure it out.  Post-It Notes are your friend.  So are whiteboards, research materials, bits of string and make-shift maps on the dining room table.

You want someone to know about Vampires?  Figure out how they know, even if you have to go back 5000 years in earth history to find out where, when, why and how.

You want someone to get up and go out, give them a purpose even its only to go pee in a dark alley.

You want someone to do the dramatic, angsty, flaily exit thing then give them a reason to go, and be sure that everyone knows it.

Writing is hard.

I get that.

But with a little contemplation, it can be a whole lot better than just vaguely stringing words together that might make sense in your own mind, but will make others laugh at you or run away screaming insanely into the night because they can’t figure out what the hell they just read.  People rarely come back to read more if they can’t make sense of your work, and knowing later on why you made a total lash up of it all really doesn’t help that much either.  Your readers don’t know that your car broke down, your work colleague is a bitch, your dog ate your harddrive or your sister just had a baby.

Though if that’s your plot line for your story you at least have motive.  It’s just  not motive for being a total dweep with your writing, unless you want to educate them on the definition of ‘how to have a nervous breakdown’.  And if that’s the case, then get a journal to record your personal thoughts in and get it all out of your system.  Maybe someone digging in the dirt a few bazillion years from now will find it, publish it as a research paper and use it to justify why the 21st Century was full of people who had no damn idea what to write any more.

Either that or it’ll be the greatest thing since you know who decided Vampires should be twee little girls who all sparkle when they bite you…

*eyeroll*  Wait.  I’m going off plot…  Losing the will to live.

Motivation required.

What was it again?

Oh right.  Yes.



Would I kid about this stuff??

No, I would not.  I’ve been doing it for years.  I don’t always get it right (the famous ‘where the hell did the brothers go in the midde of all this?’ conversation still gives me the willies) but practice makes perfect.

See?  Practice.  It’s a perfectly valid motivation to attain perfection.

*cue meaningful speech from Shifu to Po before The Kung-Fu Panda kicks the bad guy’s butt*

Even if you have no motivation yourself, you can always get it from others.  Characters do that too.  Remember those books you were forced to read at school for Lit class?  The ones with no purpose, no goal and a boring amount of very long words that send you to sleep?  Yeah, there’s no motivation.  No motivation to care about the characters because they have no motivation either.  They’re just there, hanging around, being.

And then after that there’s no motivation to read about them again.

Motive gets the hero from the beginning of his journey to his ending.

Just ask Luke Skywalker.

Or Han Solo.  He’s a little easier to determine on the motive front.  He starts out wanting money.  Great motive.

Okay so there’s motive for plot, plot devices, character and keeping your readers interested.


Need some.


Now where did that tuna fish sandwich go…?

Project: 2013

As 2012 starts to come to a close, and I zap my owners with cattle prods to get them to finish up the odds and ends and edits of several stories scheduled to come out for this year’s Advent, I’ve already started looking toward the new year.


(points up…this is what Gil is doing right now)

 The biggest project by far is the next storyline for Border Clan, centered around Dom and Brian and their new Mate, Ronon. It will continue the storylines you will find threaded throughout many of the Advent fics of 2012, and will span a timeline of five to six years. I have ideas for the story that I’ve been lobbing at Gil’s head over the last couple of months, usually when she least suspects it.


Another story that will be written and likely posted during 2013’s Seven Days is the story of Don and Charlie Eppes, and how they managed to get themselves into a spot of trouble and ended up being turned. I was supposed to prod my Gil into writing this for Advent, but alas, she seems to think that school is of more importance than trying to squeeze in another long story among several others at the end of the year. I tried to get her to change her mind, but I ended up with this look:


I decided that in this case that it was probably better to leave it be and not risk getting my fur singed off from the fire coming out of her nostrils.

There will be more coming out for the Criminal Minds characters…I’m anticipating several stories, both timestamps and longer fics, coming out throughout the year, to move said chess pieces where they need to be for upcoming storylines. *cackles evilly*

I am also attempting to cajole Gil into working on some of the Old West stories, as well as the stories involving David Crockett and Daniel Boone, and the Magnificent Seven group. They’re beginning to insist on their stories being told as well, and well, most of them are kind of cute and tend to get naked at the slightest provocation, so I can totally get behind that.

It is likely there will be more from fandoms such as Hawaii 5-0, NCIS LA, and SGA as I prod my other owner into submitting to my will. I’m not sure exactly what I will be torturing her with, but we shall find out soon enough.

In July, at the Gathering, I will be combining forces with Bob, Bob 2, and several of their minions to continue plotting for future stories and solidifying timelines so that we are better able to hit our owners with new and altered storylines that will inevitably go epic.

Why do I get the distinct feeling that when the Bobs knock, the door will be answered and we will get this response?



Ah, well. Such is life, I suppose. Now if you will excuse me, Gil needs to resume her school work, and I need my nap so that in a few hours I will be fresh to clamp my razor sharp Wraith-teeth on her leg and get her to writing for tonight.

Veterans Day

Armistice Day

11th Month on the 11 Day on the 11 Hour



Ode to the Fallen by: Laurence Binyon

They went with songs to the battle, they were young.
Straight of limb, true of eyes, steady and aglow.
They were staunch to the end against odds uncounted,
They fell with their faces to the foe.
They shall grow not old, as we that are left grow old:

Age shall not weary them, nor the years condemn.
At the going down of the sun and in the morning,
We will remember them.

Thank You to all the Veterans World Wide for your Bravery, Sacrifice and Loyalty.



Page Update

As stated I’m working to add links to the blog that will have information about locations and events that are important to the Sylum Universe.

Last week a Page was added to World Locations: The Sistine Chapel

This week I’ve added a Page to Clan Locations: New Orleans, Louisiana  (Home of Sylum Clan)

Take a moment to check out the pages, and always expect to see more Pages added as time goes on.


PS: Advent is just around the corner!! It’s looking to be an interesting set of stories and art!!!

Damn Italian Update

‘Demons and Angels‘ has been finished and is in it’s last stages of editing.

The artwork for it is in it’s last stages of tweaking.

The Sequel ‘Roads Untraveled‘ is starting the editing process.


What does this mean?


It means in a few weeks – you’ll be seeing these two stories!!!

All leading up to Advent!!


Wow time flies when Bob and Bob 2 is driving their writers insane!


Youtube is my Friend!

Graphic Gecko here!!

It’s been a while but I’ve been trolling YouTube to inspire Bj for new vids.  It’s been too long since she’s done a vid, so focused on Evolution *scurries around Bob giving him the lizard eye*.  I’ve found a few songs to inspire new stuff.  And keep poking and older idea to remind her it really isn’t going to go away.

Though my greatest accomplishment in the past week – is not just ONE but TWO ideas for trailers on the upcoming Arc! *does happy lizard dance*

Just to clarify I don’t mean Evolution – that one is all set and ready to go.  I’m talking about the next big huge arc that takes place AFTER Evolution.

What? I plan early!

*Rummages through Bj’s Ipod* Ha there’s the songs *puts them on repeat*

My job is done!

*Scurries away*

Sylum Question and Answer: #21

The last one!! There were some very interesting questions and I hope everyone enjoyed them as much as I did…


Q: Way back in Family, when Sam & Dean were at the Manor after rescuing Dean, Sam was in the garden or something, and had a conversation with Nico about learning the history/beliefs of the Roman gods. Nico said something about that everyone else had shied away from them, so he was excited that Sam wanted to know. So are we going to see that?


For the characters that are Roman like Van Helsing and Maximus (who both have their own altars) they haven’t shied away from their Religion.


In modern terms the faith surrounding the Roman and Greek Gods are taught as myths and considered Paganism.  So for a modern man like Sam to actually be interested in studying the ways of worship around the Roman Gods would be unique and would thrill Nick especially as it’s his oldest daughter returned.


Though if you ask Romulus he’ll tell you he still is a God and should be worshipped daily.  Which of course Remus does 😀 – see future Smut coming his Advent.


Overtime we will see Sam learning the Roman Traditions, and we’ll also see him learning other religions from a variety of Clan Members, especially when he meets … well you’ll just have to wait and see that when the story comes out ‘Evil Grin’.


Religion is actually a very important part in Sylum.  There are 7000+ History in the series and religion has played a major role.  And there is a wide range of Religions through out Sylum: Egyptian to Muslim to Buddhist to Hindu to Jewish to Catholic to Anglican to Pagan to Christian to Native American and then some 😀


Just in the Meridius line you have Nick and Maximus that follow the Roman Gods, Aubrey was Church of England, Cort is a Jesuit Priest, Richie is Jewish, Grant believes in a God but not a religion, Galahad is Catholic … So a very wide range just there.


Let alone Mates who have different religions Beuwlf follows the Norse Gods while his Mate is Muslim.  Tony is Catholic while Jethro has walked away from the church.


So seeing someone like Sam, especially the way he was raised, wanting to learn the Roman Gods, and yet still understand other religions will be a nice way to show how Vampires that range from 7000+ in years to a couple of years old – deal with religion and society.

Sylum Update

Sylum Advent is fast approaching.  Fast.

*eyes fics that need to be done*

So with that in mine I figured it was time to do an update of where things are.

Evolution is on it’s final Chapter. *woohoo* So far the Arc looks to be surpassing 400 + pages.  It’s got some great new characters, wraps up some storyline, and sets whole new ones.  This one has been long in coming mainly to do with RL and it being a bitch.  But now that I’m close to the end I really like how it turned out.

Damn Italian – you’ve probably heard this curse a few times.  Well it started off with Dan Brown’s Angels and Demons…. then worked it’s way from there.  These two stories plus the next Fast Furious Story that Gil is working on – is soon to be debuted.  The post-production on these guys are taking longer than anticipated but they are coming.  And I will say you’re in for a treat.  Demons and Angels will introduce whole new characters and clans, while its counter part Roads Untraveled will continue with the story and bring in variety of characters and histories.   The next Fast/Furious will bring the gang closer as they pursuit an enemy.

All three of these are tied together – which is the beauty of Sylum.  The stories interconnect.  For this particular group – to understand Roads Untraveled you have to read Demons and Angels.  And if you want to know what some of the F/F Guys are discussing in their fic – you must read Demons and Angels.  Plus all three of these tie into major storyline down the road – some of which will come out in Advent.

Ah Advent.

It’s that time of year.

Lots of good things heading your way.  Next installment of The Fisherman.  The circumstance behind Jim Longworth’s turning.  New H50 Fic.  An introduction to the Annoying Englishman.  Then there’s the Frenchman who snuck into storyline.  More stories about Border, Tallikut, and Serenity Clans.

So as you can see many good things to look forward to!

Quick Note: During Advent we post links to the Advent Calender on the list – this year we’ll also be posting them here.  We’re prepping to make this blog the main source of information for Sylum so if you haven’t please click the subscribe button on your left.


Sylum Question and Answer: #21

Q: Do you regret any vampires that have been dusted (besides Diego) and wish you could go back at fix it?


The only one that I would want to undust is Lennie.  But his death still works in the series so it’s the one I kept.



And we’re coming down to the wire… There’s only one more after this!

*Cracks Whip*

Advent is coming and I’ve got my Clones working their Author’s overtime *cackles*

Bob 2 is in fine form tossing bunnies all over the place – my favorite being an Englishman, Frenchman and Italian walk into a Bar…

Alien is poofing at odd times then napping at others – It’s the long hot summer and humidity that just did him in or at least that’s the excuse

I’m not sure what 4.1 is up to… but from what I’m hearing it’s evil *good boy*

Plot Crab has returned from his summer vacation and nipping at Bj’s heels … though he needs to get stuff done quick I hear King Crab Season is starting up.

As for me…

Well Bj likes to think I’m giving her a break considering the new RL situations. HAH! She only thinks I’m being nice.  So far I’ve tossed out a few small Timestamp bunny ideas only 2 of them turned into short fics *must work on that* There’s a few more bunnies I can toss her way – just to watch her flail while trying to finish those plus the last chapter of Evolution.

Hmmm I must see what the Graphic Gecko is up – Haven’t seen him in a while.

Sylum Question and Answer: #19

Q: So is Eliot going to be as growly and grumpy as in the show? (Also, is he going to know about stuff like Area 52 like when he was teasing Parker, or was he *just* being “Big Brother” and teasing Parker?) 😀


The Leverage team isn’t the Leverage team from the show.  How all of them come together is different.  You may notice that Nate and Sophie are already around.


Two others will be making an appearance in Evolution (if you watched the vid you know one of them :D)


Bob 2 says – Eliot will know more things than he knows he knows.  Y’know?

Sylum Question and Answer: #18

Q: In Family, Aubrey’s spirit tells Nick that one day he’ll show up on his doorstep. When will Aubrey and Maturin return? Will they be characters we recognize?


They will return.  If they don’t Speed might actually kill me.  Yes they will be recognized. Nick is very much expecting that knock on the door.