Sylum Clan

Nothing is True. Everything is Connected.
Sylum Clan

Sylum Advent 2023: Day Thirty

Aesthetic: The Unexpected Journey

Artist: Bj Jones

Artist Note: Despite all the ‘Inspirations’ which had elements of spoilers – this image could potentially have a spoiler.   Just a warning in case haven’t read the story yet.

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Sylum Advent 2023: Day Twenty-Nine

Title: Episode 4: Summer Lovin’
Series: Crossroads
Pairing: Dom/Brian
Summary: Summer is coming to an end and Dom and Brian’s relationship is progressing, and Brian becomes more and more entrenched with the Clan.

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Sylum Advent 2023: Day Twenty-Six

Title: Death of a Traitor

Author: Edgar Poe (Via Timothy Quinn)

Author’s Note: In ‘Ride with Grandpa – Hallow Thanksmas Evestory Nico mentions the poem Poe sent after the betrayal of Giles. This is that poem.

Bj Jones Note: I give kudos to Speed – writing up an ‘original’ Poe wasn’t an easy task!

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Sylum Inspiration: Thorn Durin

Mod Kin Clan: Hunter


Thorin was the son of Thrain who was the son of Thror.   The king of an established yet unknown village of Erebor up in the mountains of Norway.

His grandfather Thror was not a kind man, and ruled his people with an iron fist keeping all it’s wealth to himself.  In one of his campaigns he brought home a wife for his son, Thrain.   Not soon after she gave birth to Thorin.   Thror was happy for a strong heir, especially after the disappointment of his own son Thrain.

She raised her son to be strong, caring, and treat all with kindness.   It was soon obvious Thorin took after his mother, in all things.  He had her dark hair, strength, determination, and as he grew she would smile and tell everyone he took after his grandfather.  She gifted Thorin, her grandfather’s sword – Orcrist.  A weapon that had been passed down, and made of metal Thorin had never seen.

Thror soon realized that the woman he brought back was turning his people against him, and had her killed, along with his useless son.   He set out to raise his grandson to be a strong King, never seeing that by the age of twelve Thorin was already plotting his fall.

Thorin made a deal with Smaug, offering up a crystal that was a family heirloom from his mother’s side.   Smaug agreed to back Thorin, and at age sixteen he challenged Thror for the throne.   In the end, Thror was dead and Thorin was crowned king.

He married not soon after, but tragically lost his wife in childbirth.  She gave him two beautiful sons, Fili and Kili.

For the next twenty years Erebor prospered.  Thorin made good alliance with other villages, trading their minerals and weapons for food and grains.  It wasn’t until a warlord showed up demanding retributions that they lost everything.

Thorin ended up Turned, his family trying to figure out how to best handle this new situation.  Then days later the warlord’s horde ransacked the village destroying everything and everyone.

Sylum Advent 2023: Day Twenty-Five

Title: The Unexpected Journey
Author: Bj Jones
Rating: M
Summary: After the loss of Erebor the company fled, only to discover a new life and home.
Sylum Timeline: May 1953 – August 1954 with flashbacks to the 800’s

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Sylum Advent 2023: Day Twenty-Four

Sylum Snippet/Teaser: Kitchen Angels

Author: Bj Jones

Author Note: This is a teaser/snippet from the story that will introduce Matt & Richard – This is a scene right before Matt is shipped out.

Bonus: Also listen to the piece of Music that inspired this section!

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