It’s Penguin Day!
No we don’t mean these guys. Though they would like appreciate a day just for them.
Also it’s not the NHL team.
It’s these little (okay some are not that little) guys.
For more information: Penguins
It’s Penguin Day!
No we don’t mean these guys. Though they would like appreciate a day just for them.
Also it’s not the NHL team.
It’s these little (okay some are not that little) guys.
For more information: Penguins
Awww! I absolutely adore penguins; they are cute and fun to watch. But by the Gods, don’t get between them and their food. I saw feeding time at the Louisville Zoo and it was a madhouse; that’s why I rolled at seeing the Riverdance meme — it reminded me of that day.
—-Naj ❤❤