Title: Another Hotel Room
Author: Timothy Quinn
Rating: NC-17
Summary: It was their 50th Anniversary
Sylum Characters: Butterfly & Gustave
Sylum Timeline: 2000
Artist: Taibhrigh
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Title: Another Hotel Room
Author: Timothy Quinn
Rating: NC-17
Summary: It was their 50th Anniversary
Sylum Characters: Butterfly & Gustave
Sylum Timeline: 2000
Artist: Taibhrigh
I enjoyed this! Nice to see some of the others in the Sylum world. Sigh, now I must leave Sylum and do some work, it will make my boss happy!
Very, very nice. So glad they can have some time for themselves to revel in their partnership. A hint I read? Is there a further story coming one day? Thanks for sharing this truly beautiful meeting.
A excellent contrast to their Bonding in an unmemorable hotel room. Nice that the Council gave them a 50th anniversary treat in Las Vegas. Since the 50th anniversary is gold, they can make some golden memories for the future.