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Got my boys Mated just need to get them home, but they insist on running into trouble along the way. Muse holding bunnies at bay for the moment on #2 though there’s stuff in my brain that will make it to the computer by the weekend. *crosses fingers RL lays quietly in the corner*
*feeds bunnies*
*sprays calm mist over RL*
Working on it!
*runs down wild plot a la Wild Kingdom and wrestles it to the ground*
Really, everything is fine!
*hands net, collar and leash* that help?
I’m good. Got one to you. (And I logged in with my fb, because I’m drawing a blank on my WP password and can’t be bothered to brain rn). Got an idea for a timestamp that will fit between ep 1 and ep 2 as sort of an interlude. 😀
I’ll get to the story tomorrow *crosses fingers*