Sylum Advent: Check In
For all those who are doing Fics/Art for Sylum Advent: 2013
Check In Time.
Just leave a reply letting me know how things are going.
Reminder: All Fic/Art will need to finished and emailed to ( by November 15th.
One fic done; one at about 75%; and the other, well, ….
And we haven’t exactly started the banner process yet 🙂
I have two basically done minus a scene or two (H50 and a PB ficlet), a third in the works and the fourth has been put on the back burner as we have previously discussed due to RL.
Art coming along nicely. Question. if I don’t get everything finished that I want, can it be submitted for posting later?
It can be submitted for Spring Fling
Working on it! Picspams coming along nicely. Poking at various fics to see what Alien wants to work on. 🙂
*pokes Alien*