Nothing is True. Everything is Connected.
Sylum Advent 2015: Archived Works

Sylum Advent 2015: Archived Works



We’re in the process of Archiving Sylum Advent 2015.  At this moment all the Artwork, Videos, and Fanmixs have been Archived and can be found on the Music and Art Pages.

The stories will be Archived over the next few weeks and we’ll make an announcement when these are done.  There will be a few stories that will not be Archived, due to the fact they are likely to go into a larger story , or someone who shall remain nameless *I’m looking at you John Reese* screwed his storyline and the stories that were posted will have to be reworked and likely go into are larger story arc.  Do not worry – these stories will stay on the blog for your enjoyment.   Any snippet/sneak peek will also stay on the blog.

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