Title: Devastating Loss
Author: Bj Jones
Summary: He knew instantly that something had gone horribly wrong in the rescue attempt.
Sylum Timeline: Set inside Family
Banner: Taibhrigh
Title: Devastating Loss
Author: Bj Jones
Summary: He knew instantly that something had gone horribly wrong in the rescue attempt.
Sylum Timeline: Set inside Family
Banner: Taibhrigh
This was very, very touching. Beautiful story.
Wow. This was poignant and well written.
That was super. Like the look at seldom mentioned members of Clans other than Sylum occasionally. I see the sloths are present and am having amazing images of Spike, Jack and Christian together. Ahhh. Thanks. Well done to see the effect of the war on the Clan. Jack and Stephen will be back soon enough.
Awww, that was very touching. Poor Christian, having to be the one to deal with the fall out. And dealing with Jack and Spike? Yeah, good luck Christian, lol.
*snickers* When Wadsworth yelled “QUIET,” I was like, when did Animal show up?