Title: John Henry Patterson
Author: Bj Jones
Rating: FRT
Author’s Note: For this Advent I decided to do a series of Character Stories. Basically I picked a Character from each Clan and did a small story of their life. This was done to showcase other Characters outside the Main Arcs. The stories aren’t long, 3-5pgs, and a glimpse into their lives. Some of these stories will be added into larger fics later on, others will stand on their own. All these characters can be found in the Sylum Wiki.
Sylum Timeline: Open Ended
Artist: Taibhrigh
Okay, now I’m kinda wishing I could have my own baby lion. Is there any way to make it stay a baby?
They are adorable as cubs and as adults, just more deadly adorable as adults 🙂
I really loved this story. Even a pet lion is only a great cat. Thank you
Doesn’t matter the size of the cat – it still wants the sun spot!
Love all cats! Enjoyed this snippet!
it’s just a really big kitty 🙂