Sylum Advent 2016 – Sign Ups
Yes it is that time again.
Advent is just around the corner, I’m not even sure where the year went. No really I’m not.
I’m again sending out the call, *poking*, pleading, COME ON GUYS! There are over 1000 characters in the Sylum Wiki, not all of them are being used in stories or have stories. Join us crazy people who do this every year! Write a story, doesn’t have to be epic, small time stamp is good. Produce artwork, either drawn or digital – could be for characters, a particular story, clan, Bob. Fanmix – put together a list of songs for a character, story or clan.
There are many great opportunities to participate!
What is Sylum Advent?
Sylum Advent s is our Annual Winter Event. It will start on December 1st and go through to Boxing Day, December 26th. It will focus on Sylum Stories, but we also accept Sylum Art, fanmix, and videos. It’s not uncommon to see stories that are set up that will relate to major Arcs.
What do you need to do to participate?
You will need to sign up and state what your interested in doing.
REMINDER: All Sylum Stories will need to be approved by Bj Jones – It’s not difficult to work with me for storyline. I’ll be honest it’s best if you focus on stories that aren’t attached to main characters being used in Arcs or stories by other authors. If you’re interested in doing a Sylum Story contact Bj ( DO NOT write the story then send it, seriously guys – not a good idea. Drop me an email … we’ll talk.
How do I sign up?
Reply to this Post.
Just click reply and let us know what your interested in doing, don’t forget to give us your contact info so we can get a hold of you.
Sign Ups close September 1st. If we do not get your request, by then it will not be included.
Is there a deadline of when the Fic/Art needs to be Finished?
– Check-in will be on October 1st, 15th & November 1st.
– All Fic/Art will need to finished and emailed to ( by November 25th. No exceptions. I understand life happens, if you realize that you won’t be able to make the deadline or get the story/art done, please let me know ASAP so I can adjust posting schedule.
I have questions?
– Drop a reply to this post with a *FLAIL* *HELP* with contact info and we’ll get back to you.
– Email:
**WAVES** Count me in for fic. You can send me a bunny that needs adopting, or I can crawl through the wiki and see who speaks the loudest. Let me know what would best serve the Clans.
Give a crawl through the wiki, pick a few characters then we can plot/chat over a few of them see what pops up.
It worked well the last time 🙂
Will do, My General.
Loved The Circles of My Lives.
Signing up! You know the stuff I’m working on!
*looks at Border*
So all of it 🙂
I’ll be doing something. Maybe more than one something. Have to see what I’ve got in the works.
We can chat about variety of stuff – including Bob and his rework of Pirates … *sigh/eyeroll*
When I saw Bob was on a rework of Pirates I thought some of it might come my way. Curse you Bob. :).
I’m very new to Sylum and don’t want to overstep, but I am deeply, deeply tempted by Rory Cochrane’s role in Argo and the epic seventies fashion choices. I’ll troll the wiki and see if anything else springs to mind, but somebody really ought to do something with Timmy’s Epic Pornstasche.
Unfortunately the character in Argo is a Real Person who’s still alive, so he’s off limits for Sylum and any storyline.
Though there are some ‘story’ ideas running around for Speed during that time period it’s to vague to try and work out full storyline yet.
I didn’t so much mean in the context of that character, because I don’t do RPF anyway, but that moustache begs for an explanation.
(Possibly Speed was secretly a member of the Village People.)
But in the interest of not stepping on toes, I think I’ll bow out; I’m still working my way through the series anyway and I’d probably get something horribly wrong.
I’m guessing you already knew this, but more normal advent stuff 🙂