Nothing is True. Everything is Connected.
Sylum Advent 2022: Check-In


      1. Nicolaus Meridius

        The sign up hasn’t started yet, but yes we are going to do the exchange. Ironically I just prepped the posts for sign ups to come out on the 2nd of November. So keep your eye out!

  1. starkindler76

    I’m on the last scene of the first story, so that rough draft will be done today, after a few days off due to a back problem (stupid body…stupid getting older). Then I’ll be starting on the rough draft of the second tomorrow.

  2. najean1

    Sigh! The story is in my head, but my battery in my computer went blooey — refurbished computer and they sent it to me with a dying battery! I am trying to get a new one, but finances are tight. I will get it to you one way or another. An October Surprise on me…
    But I will persevere! **maniacal grin**
    —Naj 😀 😀 ♥️

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