December 18th
Title: Of New Families and New Life
Author: Gil Grissom
Summary: Jim brings Shane back to Border Clan to meet the rest of the family and the the general chaos that is Vampire life.
Title: Of New Families and New Life
Author: Gil Grissom
Summary: Jim brings Shane back to Border Clan to meet the rest of the family and the the general chaos that is Vampire life.
Seriously Shane has no idea what he’s getting himself into though I love that he’s so laid back about it all.
Lol, he really doesn’t, but he’ll be able to cope. Or at least hide it really well. 😀
It was really great to see Shane and John’s first meeting.
😀 I’ve been waiting how long for this part of the series to come out? 🙂 it’s great to finally see it all come together with the rest of the story lines
Fantastic fic. I think Shane will fit right in!
Looking forward to more incredible stories
Take care