December 19th
Title: Photo Bomb
Author: Bj Jones
Summary: It was one simple photograph that captured the moment perfectly
Author’s Note: This was inspired by the first Clan Gathering back in 2006
Title: Photo Bomb
Author: Bj Jones
Summary: It was one simple photograph that captured the moment perfectly
Author’s Note: This was inspired by the first Clan Gathering back in 2006
That had been an entirely too fun time in the photo shop. The fic proceeded almost like how the actual photo taking had gone. Because Tony was truly acting up that day. *grins*
*snickers* I hate I had to miss seeing that in person 😀
I would have love to see this in person as well. The story was fantastic but the photo! Priceless! LOL. Loved it. Looks like you all were in ‘character’!
Take care all.