Welcome to Sylum Advent: 2013
December 1st
Title: Into Winter – Preview Trailer
Video Maker: Bj Jones
Summary: Trailer for upcoming story ‘Into Winter’ by Timothy Quinn.
Note: Watch this Vid a few times! Absorb. Think about it. Watch it Again. Then ask questions!! Seriously watch it twice, maybe three times or four.
omg want now. What was that last line suppose to mean?! Who’s coming home?? Omg when is this coming out again? Also, the mesh up was really well done, congrats
Also, the unholy noise I made when I scrolled through and saw the pairing listed for the 31st has probably traumatized my cats for life.
That’s about the reaction we were going for!
I can tease… There will be a tease for your squeeing pleasure. *cackles evilly*
you are horrible evil women but god I love you
*rubs hands together*
*high fives Speed*
Our evil plan is working 😀
We have been known to have that effect on people. Mostly. 😀
*snickers* still loving this vid…and of course every time I watch I think of Sparrow’s speech (which I still have on my phone btw) 😀
I think we all have that saved somewhere 😀
Ah, but the speech is always better in person. 😀
So true. The recording doesn’t give the live version justice.
*snickers* I think my brain short-circuited when I saw this the first time. Total blue screen o’ death.
*snickers* The Sparrow speech was epic in person. I can’t wait to see it in the stories that come out from this. 😀