December 20th
Title: To Rise and Rise Again (Teaser Trailer)
Video Maker: Bj Jones
Summary: Teaser Trailer for the next Sylum Arc: To Rise and Rise Again by Bj Jones
Note: Watch this Vid a few times! Absorb. Think about it. Watch it Again. Then ask questions!! Seriously watch it twice, maybe three times or four.
Uhm…. What? I mean, really. What in the hell did I just see?
Nick, Arthur, Camelot? Olivetti and the Pope? The President? What?
:: rewatches :: Nope, it doesn’t get any better.
:: Hunkers down to wait :: Ya’ll are gonna get this out. Soon. Right?
:: pokes :: I mean, soon.
Jim Ellison
Nick, King Arthur, the FreedomFighter from V is For Vendetta, Warrick, Capt. Lennox, Scorponok, Optimus Prime, Ratchet, Olivetti?, Pope’s chair?, Funeral at the Vatican?, British Parliament Bldg, U.S. White House, riots, demonstrations, tanks and… finally, Red John’s calling card!!. Did I get everything? Whew! I’m so intrigued. I. CAN’T. WAIT. FOR. THIS. I’ve watched this vid 4x already. I’m going to watch it several times more in the coming week at a slower speed, with note paper and pencil in hand. Don’t know what I just saw but I going to have fun trying to figure it out!!!
Who was the guy right after Nico in the beginning and what is he from?
That would be Arthur – King Arthur
what movie or show was he in?
The Actor is Clive Owen – footage used in the video is from a variety of his films – to show a more modern Arthur.
Oh okay…. I was also wondering what the song was. Last question I promise. 🙂
It’s Prelude 12/21 by A.F.I
And he is a very pretty man in any of his movies too….
yes he is.
Yes he is 😀
:: hums :: Yes. Most of the men in this series are too… Nice!
Still as intriguing as the first time I saw it, looking forward to the actual fic when you guys get a chance to get it written 🙂