Title: Alone in Paris for a Day
Author: taibhrigh
Summary: Jake spends the day in Paris while his Mates overcome the fact they have each been keeping secrets from the other…though, this time it’s really Clay’s fault.
Sylum Note: You should read Going Home (which is December 1st Story) to understand the context of where this story is set.
Title: CSI: Anthology – Caged
Author: Bj Jones
Summary: This is a series of stories of how Nick & Warrick deal with being CSIs working in Vegas.
Author’s Note: This series of stories takes place through CSI seasons 1 – 4. Some episodes have been changed to fit Sylum perimeters. Also there are Sylum storyline changes that will be showcased in the 10th Anniversary of Clan War.
2nd Author’s Note: The episode title will be used as reference. I would suggest a re-watch of Old School CSI, to get the references, as the episode is not re-written it’s only there as a base of what’s going in and around that moment.
I do love this story… and Jensen fleeing the two Mates. Though one day there has to be a story where Cougar is actually in the wrong and Jensen sides with Clay… *leaves that bunny here*
Maybe…in the future…when another sniper is watching his back.
I like how Jake’s sister and niece are involved in his life, too. It was smart of him to call Pepper for info. 🙂 Nice glimpse into their life. Thanks for sharing.
Thank you so much! 🙂