Nothing is True. Everything is Connected.
Sylum Advent – Reaction Post

Sylum Advent – Reaction Post



And we’ve finished another Advent! *WOOHOO*

I hope everyone enjoyed the stories, art, and videos.  Please take a moment to comment either on the stories or this post – Sylum Author’s do not get paid and leaving a comment to let them know you enjoyed their work goes a long way!

Now for some much needed rest before we start prepping for Spring Fling!


  1. Loved the content of Advent 2013. Great stuff as always (still shaking computer trying to get Wayward Son Part the Rest to fall out). Though not an active participant in Sylum I love the ‘verse and thank you, BJ, and the rest of your hardworking crew for making it possible.

  2. Susan C

    This is was a wonderful treat. I like the references to other stories which sent me to the archive to read or reread them. Like Miss Paula, I am not an active participant but appreciate the hard work and the complicated web that is the Sylum universe.

  3. Christiane Heid/chinnowah

    Thank you all very much for your vast effort to make the time of advent a little more sylum-er 😉

    I enjoyed every entry especially the stories although I did not know all the fandoms. All stories are well written and gave me much pleasure while reading them.

    Thanks again and hugs

  4. Thanks for the great stories! I truly appreciate all the time, imagination, dedication and just plain hard work to write the stories and then the editing to have all stories line up with each other. Wow! You guys are made of awesomeness!!! LOL! Thank you!!

  5. Thank you to all the authors for the awesome stories and the artists for all the wonderful art. I always feel that Advent could never get better, and then you always prove me wrong! Looking forward to seeing what Sylum has in store for 2014!

  6. BayyeBelle

    SO MUCH THANKS to the authors and artists for the Sylum Advent 2013. The fics about new and old characters was great. the collection of pics and vids (OMG!) and artwork was wonderful. Makes me fall in love with Sylum all over again. Great Job! So looking forward to the fandom in 2014!

  7. Felicia Cooper

    Again, the writers of Sylum have given us some of the best stories ever. You guys are awesome and, while I’m not as active in the group as I would like to be, I still appreciate all the work you guys do. These Advent stories have got me interested in the new stuff that was hintedat in some of the stories. A Roman and a Pirate in DC? What?!? OMG I can’t wait to see what happens next. Thank you all for your hard work.

  8. Diana

    A great THANK YOU to all authors and artists. You all did great work. I realy enjoyed this daily pice of Sylum and I look forward for what you have in store for us in 2014.
    Wish you all a good 2014 and Thanks again.

  9. Kathie

    What a wonderful way to relax in an hectic December! There were lots of fantastic stories and artwork and videos. I loved Dean/Sam and the photo shoot. Not familiar with a lot of the fandoms. Looks like we are in for some really great things in 2014. Thank you all for all you work, really appreciate it.

  10. Annette Freisinger

    I loved all the stories last year and can’t wait to see what comes up this year. Looking forward to reading more of Grandpa Nicky having fun with the grandbabies and trying to keep them out of mischief. 🙂

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